The Wit List is a monthly selection by The Wit of 3 fresh, innovative and entertaining shows from around the world with highest social media buzz, made just for the MIPTV-MIPCOM community.
Pitch: Period telenovela set in the 19h century. Portuguese actor Joaquim Martinho is about to be unfairly imprisoned when he hears there is a ship leaving for Brasil, taking Austrian princess Maria Leopoldina to get married to Portuguese prince Don Pedro. He gets clandestinely on board and meets the princess’s Portuguese teacher Anna Millman, whom he falls in love with during the trip…
Social media buzz: According to the witspottER analytics, the telenovela was the second most commented premiere of the week in social media worldwide, reaching a good 25,089 comments on Twitter.
Premiere: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Distributor(s): Globo TV International
155 stripped 45-minute episodes
Pitch: Romantic drama series that follows the fate of beautiful Sureyya, an orphan who grew up in Istanbul and has become a talented musician. Her life changes when she meets handsome and wealthy Faruk, native of Bursa. They marry and move to the young man’s hometown where Sureyya, who has always had a free spirit, will be confronted with the family traditions.
Social media buzz: According to the witspottER analytics, the drama series was the most commented premiere of the week in social media in Europe, reaching 12,206 comments on Twitter. After six weeks on air, the drama series has reached 4,585 followers on Twitter, a fair figure multiplied by five since its premiere.
Premiere: Friday, March 3, 2017
Distributor(s): Global Agency
Weekly 120-minute episodes
Pitch: Political factual entertainment special in which about fifteen children, aged 8 to 12, ask questions to the candidates in the French Presidential race, but also bring them back to their own life as a schoolboy or schoolgirl and question their relation to school.
Social media buzz: According to the witspottER analytics, the special was the third most commented premiere of the week in social media worldwide, reaching a very good 56,199 comments on Twitter.
Premiere: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Distributor(s): Vivendi Entertainment
120-minute special episode
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